
Now, here’s a subject that I find quite interesting. Our Government in Canada is experiencing the volatility of another minority.

This brings up many points of view of the situation. Are voters becoming complacent? Do they mistrust our politicians or just the ones who are active today? Is the whole sphere of politics at a point where a ‘time out’ must be considered?  Is a new look at the rules of the game necessary? What happened to my areas of interest when I didn’t hear any politician speak them?

I have never missed voting and there were times I desperately wished there was a ‘None of the Above’ spot to put my X. You see, this is also a vote that must be counted and looked at closely by politicians.
One thing that would be eliminated is the ‘you didn’t vote so you cannot complain’ aspect that gets thrown around by the media.

So what seems to be the problem, both here and in the U.S.A.?

I suggest it has a lot to do with the issue of ‘authenticity’ in the ranks of politicians, government and all the way down into the ranks of us, the public!

I assert we live in a culture where it is almost impossible to be authentic. It would be like putting a big bulls-eye on one’s back, to speak what was truly in one’s mind or heart. When my political candidate cannot say what he or she really would like to do about the environment, education in schools, ethnicity, religion, etc. I find it hard not to consider that there may be hidden agendas.

Does that mean that it is the politicians’ problem to speak more authentically. Well, that’s pretty dangerous, isn’t it? We the public, have a huge project ahead of us……that is, to create an environment or culture where it is deemed okay to own up to mistakes and be open to discussing how we can work together to create a country! Sound impossible? Damned right it sounds impossible! Is the effort worth where it might take us? That’s a good question! Is it? Or should we continue to shun the voting booths or continue to ‘bring down the government of the day’ when world situations change?

Me, I’d like the idea of transparency in politics….or full disclosure…..or more open forums about the issues….but we all gotta recognize that we are tied pretty closely together as citizens, not combatants.
Remove the bulls-eyes from the backs of all politicians, I say!

Any of this matter?


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