A many splendored thing!

Can you feel it?

There is definitely love in the air! The broadband usage will skyrocket today, that’s for sure. And then there will be the flowers, the cards and the candy as tradition makes its claim on each of us.

So, let’s have this day be one of exquisiteness, succulence, verve……and most important, taking that leap of faith in life and love that we have been rehearsing over and over in our minds! This is the time, finally!

How about doing the unpredictable? That would involve looking for something in those areas of life where we know we are suppressing our aliveness? Look deep. See it? Yeah, do that! Or today will just be like yesterday, except we sprung for flowers and candy!

Never mind the mistakes that might accompany us……goof-ups that we newbies cause as we experiment with real love.  Mistakes really just become the beams of support for a more solid foundation. You see, today must also be a day of forgiveness, directed at ourselves and everyone.

Ah, love! Take big bites! Modesty is for monks! Turn today into a succulent feast of life! Promise ourselves more each day! Now, those would be life resolutions worth making, and so fun to keep!

‘I looked at love from both sides now….I really don’t know love at all.’

Each experience of love is like a new beginning, a new taste of the divine, breaking old traditions in order that the soul be renewed.

Living a life of fully expressed love, rather than a controlled, therefore prevented life. Hmmm?

Why are we so attached to an echo of love when we are searching for the real? Are we using up a life that someone else designed for us?
Someone once said that we confuse the menu for the meal.

Maybe it would matter if we shrugged off the directed life in exchange for an actually experienced one……one that we design or jump into with a huge sampling of aliveness and spontaneity. There is much wisdom to be gained by living a life that is truly ours.

First of all, it would matter most to us, that we lived that way.

A magical little exercise for today would be to look into life and notice all those we know we love. Got it? Now, here’s the magic…..take another look and see all those it would be great to contact, and let them know that we know they love us! That would really matter…..both to us and to them!

I love you!


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