The trees, the breeze, and for a long time….not me!

Sitting on the sundeck looking into the canyon behind the house – cactus plants, geraniums, rhamnaceae plants, acacia and eucalyptus trees, jacaranda palms and other vegetation that are all mysteries to me – and I’m filled with peace.

The canyon drops sharply from the deck so although some of the trees are at least 60 feet tall, I am looking at the upper part of them, swaying gently, leaves rustling in the breeze.

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What you heard is not what I meant!

I heard someone say about the piano, that when playing the music of the Masters, since we have no idea what they went through to write the music, we need to add our own suffering and passions to the notes or they just won’t work.

While the Masters expressed themselves in between the notes and staves, we look into our vocabulary to do the same.

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If it looks like a duck….maybe get new glasses?

I heard it again on national television last evening…….’if it sounds too good to be true, then it is.’ The announcer even said it like…”If it sounds too good to be true………” and left the last part for the audience to fill in….before he finished it himself, affirming that everyone already knew the full phrase. He said it as he nodded his head….knowingly….which is supposedly to denote some kind of wisdom, I am assuming.

I believe another variation might be “Get real!” or is it something like, “Dumb down!” or “Live small!” or maybe, “Careful! You might get hurt!”
It is usually said in retrospect….after the final results of some issue are in.

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All is well…..with a little dose of ‘faith’!

Watching a television interviewer refer to his program as having a ‘faith-based’ perspective made me think about what it is I separate from ‘faith.’ Of course, he was referring to the idea that his religion required a certain amount of faith…I guess because the object of his faith was keeping hidden. According to the television, keeping stuff hidden was meant to test that faith, with certain rewards or punishments meted out for doing or not doing so.

I’m going to sound a bit like that TV guy here…and I noticed a few things.

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