With a little help!

Seems like you can ask your doctor or analyst for all kinds of help these days, to solve what seems to be the biggest issue of the century. We all want the quickest solution and it is a device or a pill.

I have a problem, I say, and I’m going to use a device to solve it……a pill just won’t work. I have never been happy with my performance and others have agreed that I sure could use some help….possibly a lot of practice with an understanding teacher. I have had this little device stashed away for several years and hoped I could get along without it, but now it is time to retrieve it….after all, I’m not getting any younger, you know.

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Shields down, if you please!

As we approach the ‘peace on earth’ season this time each year I notice that there is a relaxing of the strict boundaries or ‘personal space’ that many people seem to possess. At least it appears that this is the case. Why is it? Perhaps it is that we seem to give permission for some kind of extra closeness, more than the usual. Yeah, I think it is all about permission.

I love to hug…being freed up to make a big, life-altering game of it has transformed my life. It has also caused a few little glitches!

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Come fly!

It is very peaceful, the day’s noises and traffic have gone to bed. Dimmed lights, sitting at my piano across the room from the fireplace, shadows from the crackling fire leaping along the rustic old bricks.

Gentle piano chords, mixed with the rich orchestral strings of the synthesizer, attention drifting to the little wooden picture frame sitting on the fireplace hearth. It’s empty, and has never held a picture. I don’t know, I just have never decided whose picture should be inside.

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My life my sailboat

I used to own a 16 ft. sailboat and was never more than what I called an ‘experienced amateur’ sailor. I loved the boat and was always amazed at the physics of sailing. It seemed that the most boring way to sail was with the wind directly behind. I did not use a spinnaker so that wasn’t an option. The biggest thrill was sailing ‘close’ to the wind.

You’d think that with the wind coming at you from a sharp angle from the side, that you’d flounder or at least have a tough time moving. Not so. My biggest thrill was like the one you see in the photos when the crew is hanging on the side of a boat that is leaning sharply, running into the wind. The idea was to find that point where the seemed wind resistance was actually pulling the boat forward at increased speed.

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