Is it just a stone?

Droplets of water sparkle and trickle over assorted colored stones and rose quartz crystals piled in my little zen water fountain.

This evening, as I consider the many things I’m thankful for, I remove one special stone from the fountain, placed there one summer long ago. Multi-colored, several dark layers, possibly of molten lava from some ancient time, the rest chalky grey with a hint of lifespring green around one side. Green was one of her favorite colors.

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Did you feel the ripple?

I was invited to a friend’s house for dinner and to meet a very nice, musical couple who were his guests.

“You never know where your music is going to take you,” said Bob, sitting at the piano, and he began to play a song he had newly written. He had returned from a fishing trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands and had to express the moment, as a writer or song-writer must. Sharing images of the rippling ocean in early morning, with magical mists shrouding nearby mountains. His words reached out to embrace the wonder he felt as, ‘the sun breaks through the clouds in shafts of gold and silver misty shrouds.’

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Words? I’d rather hear your voice.

This week someone hinted that I needed to write more in the poetic form. “Find your voice,” they suggested. Poetry? Me? Yipes! I thought about it and concluded that I am not a poet and am sure I have no idea how to think like a poet, or write like one!

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Breaking up is hard to do.

You know, sometimes it is very important to take a break from the ‘doing-ness’ of life and spend time regenerating one’s spirit…….to vitalize the ‘being-ness’ part of life. It is a kind of ‘breaking up’ of the status quo. It matters that we do that from time to time, and it isn’t always easy if always moving toward some goal is deeply embedded in our ‘shoulds.’

Okay, what I mean is that I’ve been away for a while. Looking at a new project or two and being away from most of the technologies into which life gets submerged.

I welcome me back and that includes you, the readers. I hope you had a nice break as well. Yes, that matters.
