Solving world issues as humans?

Just a brief note about the news, the mid-east conflict, commentary by bloggers and the public, and pretty much everything that is a mess out there……is anyone else getting frustrated that we seem to be going in circles with these conditions?

Sooner or later it might be a good idea to take a closer look at who exactly are the combatants, and bystanders. I’m not being a smart-ass here, but all I see and hear is one label after another….everyone is treated like they are part of some race, organization, religion, politic, etc. This is therefore to suppose somehow that they are willing parties to what is happening.

Well, they are human beings first, and that seems to have gotten lost in the confusion. Why is it not obvious that we are seeking targets instead of partners?

There is so much blame, self-righteousness, rage, sorrow, positioning, postulating, and just plain mis-representation, all coming from those organizations, politic, religions, etc. The ‘One-ness’ of humans has definitely gotten lost!

Jeepers, it sounds and looks like many family battles (a microcosm?) I’ve experienced in my life…no one knowing exactly what the issue was because no one could remember exactly what memories were being re-activated. Each side having to be right at all costs….not intentionally but having a sincere belief that they were right. On the larger scale, is this going un-noticed in the world?

Looking at our history, this is the way we humans have always functioned. What seems to be the ‘obvious’ overriding issue is put up front where it gets the attention, while the hidden agenda never seems to get exposure. By handling the chaos, the source of it all is hidden from sight.

I know that my whole life changed when I started to look at where I could accept my own personal responsibility for what was happening in my life. Naturally, it meant having to give up my self-assessment of being ‘right’ in favor of creating community.

There is no authenticity in the public communication. Could it be that there is more risk in unconcealing the background agenda? What if it was part of our hidden agenda that one side or other should win or lose? We couldn’t admit that, could we? What if we are trying to be a strong defender of some organization whose agenda is in favor of one side or other? Could we say that publicly, in case we are later proven to be wrong, or attacked for what we say?

Could it be that all the visible issues of death, destruction, and suffering can be justified by certain groups as part of some ‘grand plan’?

Hint: taking the world as the scorecard, have we been doing the same stuff for millennia and been getting the same results? Doesn’t that look like the case? Why don’t world leaders stand up and say, “Wait a minute here! We’ve been having this same conversation forever! All we’ve gotten is more suffering!”

Could be that we need to scrap our mis-guided belief systems and start from a clean slate….as human beings relating to human beings, all of us as equals. I mean really as equals! That would really matter!


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