It’s late evening once again, my favorite part of the day, here in front of my fireplace, dancing flames, strings of twinkling colored lights and soft music, turning my room mystical, it seems.
My thoughts are on the words inside cards that have been given to me. May I say a few words about those words…’Peace and good will towards all men?’
I like that sentiment and hope that I am included in that directive as well. Lord knows, I have stepped on enough toes and caused my own multitude of hurt out there, so it would be nice to feel someone offering peace and good will into my own life. Tonight that looks a bit like a ton of forgiveness.
So, it would be interesting to have a chat with those who sent me the cards. “What is this good will you send to all men, including me? How will I know I’ve received it?”
For you, I don’t know what it might mean, but it seems like an opportunity to deepen a friendship.
The talk shows, newspapers, magazines and even our own daily coffee conversations, are filled with more than enough assessments and ‘un-good will’ towards certain folks. But let’s not go there, okay?
It has been said that ‘each of us carries the whole of the human condition within him or herself,’ so it might be interesting to include ourselves in those assessments. Now that’s a profound thought! It is also very liberating. It takes away this feeling of separateness from my life, which does tend to leave me more at peace. Even though, at the same time, I am feeling the need of a healthy sampling of good will.
Businesses place a definite value on their own good will and include it in the worth of the enterprise. Is the good will we intend for all mankind, inclusive like that? It would make a huge difference, wouldn’t it, if it extended beyond charity or nice thoughts?
This is the time of year when we are in remembrance of a special birth. Is it a symbolic accounting? I am struck by the words of a wise person who once said…’for something to be born, something must die.’
That is also a good thing to ponder. That’s kinda what I’m mulling over. Does it mean that stuff I’ve held from the past, as being important, (who did what, and to whom?) and all the blame I have placed on others for not measuring up to my standards…..must die? Is that what ‘good will’ might be all about? Allowing some things to pass so there is room for a re-birth? Hey, nowhere does it say the whole area of ‘good will’ would be easy!
Oh, I am not suggesting the need for psychology or religion. That’s a totally different issue that isn’t part of my thoughts at all. I am speaking of ‘giving something up’ rather than trying to handle something. Handling things always seems to take a very long time.
Maybe we are not hurt as much by life events as we are being led to believe. Yes, we can let go of most issues and wish the whole world ‘peace and goodwill’ and truly mean it.
Tonight, for me, good will is all about appreciation for everyone and everything that is part of life. I want there to be no exceptions, so the words do not ring hollow!
Recognizing that others have a different experience of life, if it seems like an impossible task, and may be so for various reasons, then maybe to look at being ‘willing’…..yes, just that much….being ‘willing’ to wish good will to everyone, no one left out, would be what matters.
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